
Global Early Talent Program
Kick-start your career - write a new story

Join ABBs Global Early Talent Program and embark on a journey within our Finance or Information Systems functions. You will join teams on challenging international projects, while benefiting from a wide network, experienced mentors and world-class training.


Why the Global Early Talent Program?
During the Global Early Talent Program (GETP), you will gain the competencies and skills needed to launch a career in your chosen field (Finance or Information Systems). You will contribute to a range of challenging international projects that will help you develop your leadership skills, deepen your knowledge and understanding of key aspects of your discipline and gain insights into the business strategy of one of the world's most innovative organizations.

What do we look for?
  • Recent master’s graduate with a degree in a relevant discipline and a proven academic track record
  • Initial work experience will be considered
  • Fluency in English (mandatory), with proficiency in other languages highly beneficial
  • Excellent communication and relationship-building skills
  • A high level of cultural awareness and willingness to work internationally
  • Resilience and drive in the face of rapid change

​​​​​​​How to participate?

Search for an open
​​​​​​​GETP position
Browse available options and find the best opportunity for you. Set up a Job Alert, if no position is currently available.
Apply online
Found what you were looking for? Complete the online application.
We will then review it and start the process, if the profile fits the requirements.
First interview
Participate in a phone or digital video interview, using the latest technologies, and let us get to know you and to be a part of our Global Early Talent Program.
English test
You may be required to complete an online English test.
Next steps
Join a series of interviews with experts or, alternatively, a one day Assessment Center session, participating in case study discussions (face to face or virtual).
Final interview
Participate in a final interview with a business leader and the Global Early Talent Program manager. ​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Search for a Global Early Talent Program position
Browse available options and find the best opportunity for you. 

​​​​​​​Frequently asked questions

Our GETP participants: read their stories

GETP Leadership Learning Week –  a part of the GETP Journey

During the 24 month Global Early Talent Program Journey, the participants are guided through a learning journey on core competency development focusing on Personal Leadership, Teamwork & Collaboration, Customer and Market orientation and Change Management. This journey aims to complement and support the functional knowledge and expertise gained through the various on-the-job assignments as well as offer opportunities for the participants to connect, learn and grow individually as well as a group.
Throughout the journey, ABBs LLE coaches support and guide the participants through various modules and exercises and learning content (i.e. presentation skills, project management skills and agile working methods) to support the daily activities in their assignments and personal growth but also to prepare them for the Learning Week project challenge.
The Learning Week Project Challenge is a collaboration between the Business, Functions and GETP, where the participants are assigned to real ABB business cases presented by a Sponsor approximately 2 months before and expected to deliver a presentation on their research during the Learning Week.

 The Learning Week is week of intense discussions, brainstorming, pushing boundaries and performance while also being a week of connecting, building friendships and having fun.

​​​​​​​See what our mentors have to say