Right after he finished his studies, the industry was experiencing a slump. With limited opportunities on the job market, Piotr struggled to land his dream job. He decided to look for something else here in Kraków (at least as an interim measure), and quickly became a Credit Process Analyst for a large outsourcing company.
That position gave him financial stability and helped him learn a lot about the dynamics of working at huge international corporation. However, the job itself was not very challenging for Piotr, with daily tasks being quite repetitive. One evening Piotr talked about this drawback to his friends, and one of them said there was an opening in IT department at the company where he worked. As it turned out, he was working for ABB through one of its local vendors.
Piotr successfully completed recruitment process and in 2017 started his journey at ABB as IS Business Analyst. Since then, it was smooth sailing. He worked on various ABB projects (with one short break in 2021, when he joined another company), and he eventually changed his role to IS Operations Manager − in 2022, Piotr joined ABB as a direct hire. He continues to work in this role to this day, steadily gathering experience and expanding his scope of responsibilities.
Even though Piotr’s initial vision for his career path was completely different and had petroleum engineering in the backdrop, going towards different, IT-oriented direction, showed him it can be an exciting journey that brings a lot of job satisfaction… and is certainly less dangerous that working on some oil rig in a desert.
Why ABB? For Piotr, there are two reasons: interesting projects and great people. These two aspects contribute to a great workplace environment which makes him appreciate his day-to-day work. While working at ABB, he met amazing people and also managed to reevaluate his life priorities to pursue new hobbies in free time (he can now proudly say that he is a published author.)
When asked about the challenges, Piotr mentions the fact that he works in teams scattered all over the world ( e.g. US, Switzerland, India), so it requires a strong collaboration between all of them. “However, there is a strong culture of collaboration at ABB and help is always granted, when needed, whether it’s from a coworker or manager. Whenever I find myself in a trying situation, I know I can always count on those around me and get support”− he adds.