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Was hat Dich am meisten überrascht bei ABB? Was macht die Arbeit bei ABB aus? Was macht ABB für dich besonders? Wir haben unsere Mitarbeiter befragt und viele Antworten erhalten.

What makes ABB a special for you?
A truly global and diverse organization where everyone is respected.
Global Product Specialist
What makes ABB a special place to work?
Simply said, it is the people which work at ABB, colleagues which are respectful, knowledgable and helpful.
Global Product Marketing ManagerMarius
What is it about working at ABB?
The collaboration across national and divisional borders to solve complex tasks requires curiosity and courage. In addition, networks are further expanded and intensified through regular care. The values are lived and implemented here every day.
Sales Specialist
Marco, Marketingkommunikation
Was macht ABB für dich besonders?
Die Vielfalt! Es bereitet mir eine große Freude in diversen Teams an verschiedenen Aufgaben mitzuwirken und ich bin immer wieder überrascht, wo das Produkt- und Lösungsportfolio überall zum Einsatz kommt. #Curiosity
What makes ABB a special place to work?
At ABB you have such a wide range of possibilities to work in different places and positions with Was macht die Arbeit bei ABB aus?awesome people. I am proud to work in such a company with a big familiar team.
Sales Engineer
What is it about working at ABB?
ABB placed a lot of confidence in me from the start - both in cross-departmental projects and in internal tasks. In addition, I have great colleagues around me with whom I can exchange ideas about everything - this is how I can really develop.
Quality & OpEx Engineer
What makes ABB a special place to work?
Unique opportunities of open culture, international teams, and innovative spirit.
Global Product Manager